I'm Vaughan Scriver

Manufacturing Engineering Technologist

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What brought you to Fanshawe?

In 2009 the factory I worked at for 17 years closed the doors, not my first plant closure, and I was left with a decision to make, find another dead end job or do something different. I spoke with my family and we decided that a new direction was the answer. I did my research and found that Fanshawe was the answer to my new goals. I entered pre-tech, Manufacturing Engineering Technician, and Manufacturing Engineering Technologist programs.

Tell us about your favourite Fanshawe experience.

There are truly so many great experiences to pick from during my time at Fanshawe but the number 1 on my list would have to be the graduation of my son, we attended school at the same time. In his graduation year I was the student representative on the Board of Governors so I had the opportunity to be in the platform party for his ceremony, I put the scarf around his neck, a truly proud moment for any parent.

What impact has Fanshawe had on your life?

Fanshawe did not just teach me everything I need to know for my career, there was so much more. I found out who I was as a person and the potential I had not not explored within myself during my many dead end jobs. The best description would have to be that my time at Fanshawe brought me out my shell and into the light so I could truly shine.

What are you up to now?

I have worked in Manufacturing leadership since graduation, from Production Supervisor to Production Manager. I semi-retired about a year ago and now work for myself doing renovations, a life long passion.


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