I'm Alycia

Business Administration - Marketing

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What brought you to Fanshawe?

I originally attended Fanshawe for Health Sciences back in 2006. After a couple years within that focus, I realized it wasn't the career path I wanted. I took a year off of school to work and travelled to Europe, and upon my return I was speaking with a family friend who was taking the Business Marketing program at Fanshawe and it was exactly what I wanted to do. I immediately applied to join the Fall term for Business Marketing in 2009, continued my studies into the Business Administration Marketing Post-Grad Program, and never looked back!

Tell us about your favourite Fanshawe experience.

I would have to say that I don't have a specific experience that I could highlight. Whether it was spending time with my friends at the Outback Shack, hanging out in Oasis between class, spending time in Athletics where I worked part-time, competing in the Ontario Colleges Marketing Competition (OCMC), or being part of the Consultancy Team in the final semester of my post-grad, Fanshawe became an experience in its entirety that helped shape me for my career once I graduated.

What impact has Fanshawe had on your life?

It's the connections you make. It's about being able to develop these networks with both your peers and your professors that get you engaged with your community. I am a proud alumna, and there will always be pride and passion for Fanshawe.

What are you up to now?

Somehow you always find your way back. I have recently joined the Advancement & Alumni Team at Fanshawe College. Taking my experience within both the non for profit and for profit sector across Canada, I am excited to highlight the success stories of what is taking place at Fanshawe, and showing how we are unlocking potential for our students.


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