I'm Vanessa

Fashion Merchandising

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What brought you to Fanshawe?

Having been a previous grad of the Fashion Merchandising program back in 2004. I knew if I wanted to grow in my current job, a return to the classroom was needed. Where else would an alumni go other then the college that started it all!!

Tell us about your favourite Fanshawe experience.

My favorite fanshawe experience was the teachers and fellow students. We would have the absolute best times in and out of the classroom!!

What impact has Fanshawe had on your life?

Fanshawe has reminded me that no matter your age you can always continue your personal and educational growth!

What are you up to now?

Currently enrolled in Business Accounting where I hope to use my current education to advance in my position with Canada Life as a senior account adjustment analyst. A long way from my Fashion Merchandising days ;)


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