I'm Stephanie

Social Service Worker

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What brought you to Fanshawe?

I was looking to attend a college that had a family feel to it and Fanshawe checked all the boxes on my list. They offer a different kind of college experience because there is a real sense of community and you always feel at home. The small-town location and schedule were a big factor in my decision to attend Fanshawe as well.

Tell us about your favourite Fanshawe experience.

Making lasting connections with staff and students that are still a part of my life today has been the best part of my Fanshawe experience. Although I have graduated, I alway have support and guidence from my Fanshawe mentors and friends because they are family and that does not end when you finish your program.

What impact has Fanshawe had on your life?

I started my educational journey with the goal of obtaining my diploma in the SSW program. During that time I was encouraged to consider university. After some consideration I applied to Laurier University and was accepted!! I believe that Fanshawe had an amazing impact on my life, and that without their incredible support and encouragement I might not have followed my dreams this far.

What are you up to now?

I am finishing up my first year at Laurier University in the Youth and Children's Studies Bachelors of Honors program and have also found employment as a clinical access facilitator. I spend my free time fundraising and increasing awareness for mental health and community outreach.


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