I'm Gabrielle

Practical Nursing

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What brought you to Fanshawe?

Born and raised in London, Ontario, I grew up seeing the positive impact Fanshawe College had on the community and knew it was the right choice for my post secondary education.

Tell us about your favourite Fanshawe experience.

The placements that I was able to complete during my time at Fanshawe is what really set the program apart for me. We were able to gain so much valuable experience and see first hand the role of a nurse in many different care environments.

What impact has Fanshawe had on your life?

I was nervous to return to school as a mature student but Fanshawe supported me and allowed me to thrive. Fanshawe gave me the education and opportunities to peruse my dream job as a nurse and I am forever thankful!

What are you up to now?

After graduation I started to work at Fanshawe in the health sciences department as a Simulation Technologist for two years. I also worked part time with St. Joseph’s Health Care in London within the Veterans Care Program as a registered practical nurse. I now work full time within that program. Being able to care for those that served our country is extremely rewarding work.


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