I'm Jagjit

Software and Information Systems Testing

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What brought you to Fanshawe?

Came to Fanshawe to explore and enhance my skills. Learn and explore a new country, get out of my comfort zone and unleash my real potential.

Tell us about your favourite Fanshawe experience.

Fanshawe was not just a college to me, but a whole lot of new world exposure. Learned much more than in class experience, with amazing faculties like Mike and Andy ! I made lifelong friends, moments that now turned to wonderful memories. All this while making my career! Fanshawe not just helped me develop my educational skills, but also made me what I am today! 'A human' & 'A professional'

What impact has Fanshawe had on your life?

It changed the entire thermodynamics of my life. From a small town in India to working as a Leader with Canada's top esteemed organization. It not just enhanced my skills but also helped me with overall wellbeing. Education is really essential part of life, and I learned the real definition of it when I came here!

What are you up to now?

Currently working with the Country's Leading bank as a head the south west Ontario region. I cherish every moment spent at the school. And thankful from bottom of my heart.


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