I'm Russ

Business Financial Services

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What brought you to Fanshawe?

I was looking for a school that would provide me with hands-on practical skills to allow me to be competitive in the job market. I had many friends who had attended Fanshawe and not only spoke of the technical skills learned, but what a great city London was for young people.

Tell us about your favourite Fanshawe experience.

From an educational standpoint it was learning more about Financial Planning and how small, consistent steps could lead to financial freedom. That has led to countless career highlights including seeing clients buy their first home, have a child and start them on a path to saving for their education or seeing the excitement as someone transitions to retirement. Personally, the great times had meeting new friends and exploring London.

What impact has Fanshawe had on your life?

Fanshawe impacted my life by providing me the technical skills to easily transition in to the Financial Services world. The advice to focus on industry courses led to me attaining my Certified Financial Planner designation, among others, very shortly after graduation which opened a lot of opportunities for me. More importantly though, it was the people or human skills that I acquired including working well with others, being nice and networking.

What are you up to now?

I am currently a Community Manager for RBC, overseeing four of our retail branches in North London. Basically, I am the integrator of all of our areas of business so that our clients get the best of what RBC has to offer. One of the most rewarding parts of my role is creating opportunities for my staff to move in to their dream roles - we have had 50+ promotions in my community in the last three years alone!


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