I'm Sam

Baking and Pastry Arts Management

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What brought you to Fanshawe?

A desire to master culinary and baking artistry. I had been a nurse in the UK for most of my previous working life. I wanted to have the chance to change my life, and Fanshawe College became an integral part of the journey.

Tell us about your favourite Fanshawe experience.

Believe it or not, it was quite a strong community of like minded bakers and chefs-to-be, and even though I would be classed as a mature student, I didn't feel excluded. Fanshawe staff and the courses I undertook, also gave me ability to see the options open to me once I qualified. The confidence I found, definitely gave me the ideas that I could open my own business in Ontario.

What impact has Fanshawe had on your life?

Without Fanshawe, I wouldn't have had the foresight to focus my goals and define what I really wanted to do....and that was to open my own dessert bakery! It took me a couple of years to work as a Baker and really understand how owning a business has it's own set of issues to manage. However, it made me more determined to open RubyBlues.

What are you up to now?

Last November (2021) , alongside my husband, we opened the doors of RubyBlues Bakery, in Downtown St Thomas. This all took place towards the end of the pandemic restrictions, and we had a very supportive group of people that helped us on our way. Currently, we are 8 months old, and so far, RubyBlues is doing well. We have learned what our customers like or don't like, pricing strategies, food production management, marketing, planning, finance and taxes, alongside building a brand and a solid customer base. None of this was possible, without the courses I undertook at Fanshawe!


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