I'm Akshara

Fitness and health promotion

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What brought you to Fanshawe?

To learn and improve my knowledge in fitness and opportunity provided by Fanshawe at the same time has brought me to Fanshawe

Tell us about your favourite Fanshawe experience.

Engaging in various platforms of events has improved my communication and has built confidence in me to blend in new socioeconomic environments

What impact has Fanshawe had on your life?

Positive approach towards feedback on my career, financial independence while being student.
Giving a second chance for every aspect of my life decision which I learned through one of my personal situation encounter while in FHP program

What are you up to now?

Working in YMCA Child care centre as well as Giving my second written exam attempt of Physiotherapy Competence Exam and hope to pass this time and simultaneously studying for CSEP exam to become personal trainer exams coming in April and March


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