I'm Ramneet kaur

Agri business management

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What brought you to Fanshawe?

I am from india and i always wanted to have an experience of international study and while i was going through all the colleges , i came to know about fanshawe. Then i contacted some of the alumni who told me that it is a great institution to have education which excells in student development and thts how i chose fanshawe.

Tell us about your favourite Fanshawe experience.

Ever since it was my first day in fanshawe, i had an amazing experience in this college. I learnt so much not only in academics but it gave me overall best experience ( met new people from diffrnt sphere of the world, teachers, management). The best thing i like in fanshwe is tht they give you immense practical experience that helps alot in real life.

What impact has Fanshawe had on your life?

Fanshawe experience has definitely made me a better human in terms of personality, confidence. i can proudly say that i learnt alot and i am a fanshawe graduate.

What are you up to now?

After doing my agri business management from fanshawe. Now i have planned to opt for another course that is supply chain management because i love how they teach and it is so much fun and exciting to learn and educate in this type of environment


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