I'm Brent

Radio Broadcasting

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What brought you to Fanshawe?

I wanted to pursue a career in radio, and Fanshawe's program was the best around. Knowing that I'd be studying with and under the best was an incredible opportunity and privilege.

Tell us about your favourite Fanshawe experience.

Long nights, early mornings, lots of Roasters coffee, and good friends. The best part was working through classes and broadcasting challenges with an incredible cohort of likeminded souls. And wing night at the Ceeps. (10 cent wings: can you imagine?!)

What impact has Fanshawe had on your life?

Learning to communicate effectively and confidently has served me well in all my endeavours, first in radio, later as a high school English teacher, and now as a fiction writer. Radio Broadcasting was also a challenging, intense program that developed a lot of discipline and perseverance in me.

What are you up to now?

I'm an award-winning novelist and short story writer and creative writing instructor. I'm the author of the story collection CUT ROAD (out June 1, 2002) as well as the novels NOTHING BUT LIFE, BOY, and SAINTS, UNEXPECTED. I live in Hamilton with my spouse Rosalee and daughters Nora and Alida.


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