I'm Tiffany

Office Administration - Executive

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What brought you to Fanshawe?

I was working as the Manager in the Food Services area at the London Airport, I loved my job but was ready for a new challenge. I started to look into programs at Fanshawe and discovered an interest in Office Administration. I decided to take the leap and go to school as a mature student; sitting down with program and student advisors really helped me in knowing I had selected the right college for my career path.

Tell us about your favourite Fanshawe experience.

I have had many positive experiences at Fanshawe, but the best and most heartwarming experiences are with the connections you make. I gained lifelong friends from my program and now in my career at Fanshawe College. There are always new and exciting opportunities with Fanshawe that help to build the Fanshawe experience continually!

What impact has Fanshawe had on your life?

Fanshawe has had an extremely positive impact on my life. Fanshawe has allowed me to explore my passions for volunteering, community involvement and events planning.
My skill sets are constantly growing due to my connection to Fanshawe College!

What are you up to now?

I am working in the Corporate Training Solutions department at Fanshawe College as a Client Engagement Representative.
I am also working on a social media campaign with my colleagues called #FanshaweLocal which wouldn't be possibly without my connection to Fanshawe!


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