I'm Karla


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What brought you to Fanshawe?

After graduating from Western with my BA in Kinesiology, I wanted a more personalized experience with smaller class sizes and professors who knew my name. Fanshawe Nursing had wonderful instructors who got to know me as a person, I never felt like just a number.

Tell us about your favourite Fanshawe experience.

The best part about Fanshawe is the lifelong friendships you make. It was so easy to make friends, which can be difficult living off campus. The class sizes were more intimate than most university classes.

What impact has Fanshawe had on your life?

Going to Fanshawe helped me to fulfill my dream of becoming a Registered Nurse. I was a mature student and after completing 1 degree, I was skeptical that I would make it through 4 more years of post-secondary education. Fanshawe made it easy, I never once regretted choosing to continue my education there!

What are you up to now?

I am currently working as a Registered Nurse at LHSC. I recently changed positions after 14 years as a surgical nurse to work at the London Regional Cancer Program. Times have been somewhat uncertain during the covid pandemic, but myself and all of my fellow healthcare workers have put our fears aside to care for our patients and ensure their safety and well-being during these difficult times. I love my profession and am so proud of the work I do.


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