I'm John

Environmental Planning

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What brought you to Fanshawe?

In high school I had an interest in product design. After discussing career options with my guidance counsellor and parents I made Fanshawe my choice because the school offered a course in industrial design where I could develop this interest into a career. Having qualified instructors directly from professional practice in various fields was very appealing as was the first year of the program which was Basic Design. It brought freshman design students together to experience a hands-on introduction to art media and for the study of art history.

Tell us about your favourite Fanshawe experience.

Meeting my wife-to-be, Eunice Greene, of course! After transferring to the Environmental Planning program my class conducted a practical planning study for Port Stanley culminating in a presentation to the local Reeve and council. The project involved field work, team meetings, report writing and collaboration with local officials. The experience simulated real-world practice. I was the student lead and made the presentation to Council at the conclusion of the project which was a precursor of what I would do throughout my career. This positive experience gave me the incentive to follow up my college education with a University degree.

What impact has Fanshawe had on your life?

The college transformed me from a quiet, average high school student to an outgoing and responsible young adult by providing a positive environment wherein I could develop the skills required to succeed in business. My instructors inspired me to emulate them and gave me the confidence to strive to achieve success and reach my goals. In turn I have sought to mentor students and colleagues throughout my career. I was most honoured to receive an ‘Alumni of Distinction’ award from Fanshawe in 2017.

What are you up to now?

Golfing this summer! As of December 2019, I retired from a long and successful career in design, development and infrastructure investment. As a company senior executive and President, I was directly responsible for leading teams that invested in and built $13 Billion in infrastructure throughout North America. I have been a regular speaker at international conferences as well as being a guest lecturer at Stanford University in California. I sat on all project boards as well as holding director positions in two international organizations. I am consulting as well as being a Director of a French project company.


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